
NORWAY: report on aid provided to the cod sector

Some readers may remember that, in late 2009, I wrote various on the aid measures that the Norwegian government took to help companies in the cod sector to withstand the crisis creted by low prices in the consumer market.

Well now NOFIMA, a state controlled, business oriented research group working in research and development for the aquaculture, fisheries and food industry in Norway, has published a report on the crisis.

In the press release by NOFIMA (31 August 2010) one can read:

“In order to help the situation, the authorities implemented a series of measures. These included offering loans and guarantees, funds for marketing and subsidies for the transportation of fish between different regions. The cod quotas were also increased.”

Here is the link to the English version of the press release:


And here the link to the report (in Norwegian):


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