
NORWAY: economic support for shipping and fishing sectors

A couple of Norwegian sites have recently published a piece of news titled "Skipsfarten mottar 6,3 milliarder i næringsstøtte". Translated into English: "Shipping industry receives NOK 6.3 billion support (or subsidies)". The figure of NOK 6.3 billion corresponds to USD 1.05 billion or EUR 732 million.

This news relates to an estimate, prepared by the Norwegian Ministry of Finance, of all the subsidies received by the different economic sectors in Norway. Such exercise includes interesting information about the subsidies provided by the central government to the industry. it is carried out in the context of the yearly budget.

The figure quoted by the aforementioned websites concern the year 2008 and cover the transfers to the shipping industry (skipsfart) and the fishing fleet (Fiskeflåten).

For the fishing fleet the total amount of support for the year 2009 has been estimated at NOK 589 million (USD 93) and corresponds to the following items:

In the table appears an interesting item which, by the way, has not been discussed in this blog, i.e. the tax deductions for professional fishermen (fisker skattefradrag). I will discuss it in a separate post.

Here is the link to the document published in the Norges Fiskarlag website. The above table is the translation into English of the table appearing in the document.


Here is also a link to Norway’s government information (in Norwegian) on the estimates of support to certain economic sectors. The information relates to the 2009 budget:


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